Ottawa Recycling and Garbage to Curb Service

Your Nepean Based Recycling and Garbage to Curb Service

How can we help?

Deliver recycling/garbage to Curb.


Deliver Recycling/Garbage to Curb PLUS return bins to home after garbage pickup.


Our Process

- After you complete your order and pick your service delivery date we will touch base to confirm your service time and date.- We will visit on the date you select and perform your eavestrough cleaning.- We will clean out your eaves troughs using forced air. This will remove all leaves/debris from your eavestroughs.- We will perform a visual flow test of your downspouts.
- We will unclog downspouts that do not pass the flow test. This service includes disassembly (if needed) of up to 2 downspouts. Additional Downspout disassembly $10/ea - we will consult with you before taking these steps.
- We will clean any leaves/debris/mess from your lawn/patio/drive ect.Additional Information- On Your service day, please park your vehicles 15-20 feet from your home. We don't want to accidentally get debris on your vehicle when we are cleaning.
- If possible, please have a garden hose available. We will rinse down any windows/ doors that may get dirty during the eavestrough cleaning.

We have answers!

Thank you!

We will contact you with a Custom Free Quote within 24 hours. If you accept our quote, we will service your home ASAP!